Friday, October 12, 2012

Tortilla Pizza

If you are like me, when you are hungry, you are hungry now and want food fast.  It can be fast and still somewhat healthy, and cheap....Here is an easy fast meal, the teenagers can even make..  use whatever tortillas you like and make it how you we go....

You can make this like a regular pizza...sauce, parmesan, and mozzerella cheese..
Add your mafia seasonings, which is what I call my mixture I keep ready to use in a big jar (rosemary, oregano, basil, parsley, garlic, sage, thyme and marjoram)..

I like mine a little different...again with the fresh salsa...I tell ya, I can't get enough of this makes my life so much easier, no cutting up the produce makes it so much faster....its a smiliar texture to pico de gallo.

Take your tortilla, and spray it with oil..I use grape seed with a kitchen spritzer. I just do the top of it. You can do the bottom if you like.

Next, put the salsa on it...some gorgonzola cheese, parmesan cheese and basil, rosemary garlic and some fresh cracked pepper.  
I have also added apple sausage, it comes precooked, so you can just slice up a link and toss it on before baking but you can eat it without the sausage too, its my favorite after work snack. 

Bake it for about 10 mins, watch it, it should crisp up but of course,not burn.  I put mine on a prebaked baking stone. I make it on a deli sheet, and pick it up on that, move it to the baking stone and slide the paper out from under it and toss. 

These sheets come in handy! ↓ I use them to wrap sammiches etc.

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