Sunday, March 17, 2013

Organizing the Kitchen and Cabinets

 I am having a heck of a time finding a container to fit my spice cabinet exactly. The measurements are 7 inches high, by 31 inches wide by 10 inches deep.  I want to utilize every ounce of space.  So basically, I want them 10 inches wide also so I can house three on each shelf.  This way, when I need a spice in the back, I don't have to individually pull out each little bottle of spice to get to one in the back.

I searched refrigerator organizers, but they are 14 inches deep. I am on the lookout or baskets, containers, whatever. Until then, I have gone and cut up boxes and retaped them to the dimensions I want so they are organized until I find the proper tool.  I had to make due.

I came up with this..and its working...those little rubbermaid type things...I have the spices alphabetized somewhat...A-C, C-H (so many C's!). Its hard to keep everything together, with so many chefs in my house, but at least its easy to spot them if they are kept close alphabetically.  I bought a bunch of rubber made baskets like the white ones and have one in my fridge for my "this is my work lunch for tomorrow, don't eat it" spot, in case the teenagers decide to eat a midnight snack...I don't wanna wake up to nothing for lunch.

Here are some other things I do to keep things organized in my cabinets.

 I have a picture of the inside of my kitchen cabinet, hanging on the inside of the cabinet door showing what goes where so if someone else does the dishes, they know how to put them away so they fit.  They can be a pill to keep organized.  Lids on top for easy access.  I also hang a few of my recipes that are the boys favorites, inside of the cabinet so they can make it when I am at work.

I  keep everything in stations. 

 Coffee supplies (filters, mugs and coffee,sugar pourer coffee press), in the cabinet above the coffeemaker. Next to the coffeemaker is the not so healthy but oh so good coffee syrup with a pump top because it saves on everyone in the house going to starbucks or dunkin for pricey flavored coffee) 

Baking supplies, in the cabinet above my stand mixer and  flour and sugar jars..the drawers under are the measuring cups, etc. Again, keeping a picture of the cabinets, saves a bunch of time and headaches having to reorganize. 

Under the sink cleaning supply storage..takes the spray bottles off of the bottom of the cabinet to make room for other things.

For some great organizing and cleaning tips, one of my favorite books is Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook.  This is where I got the bluing agent advice years ago for laundry (makes whites whiter and blacks blacker), etc. Its a timeless book of how to clean and organize your home.  
Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home

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